National Conference of State Legislators Supports “Build and Support”

8/17/2016 A new report by the National Conference of State Legislatures supports a “build and support” approach. No Time to Lose: How to Build a World-Class Education System State by State  The document suggests that we model our strategies after high performing other countries and the best districts and states in the US. They especially recommend instructionally driven  improvement strategies,  enlightened teacher and leadership development efforts, early childhood education,  revitalized career and technical education paths to supplement the 4 yr college pathways, and comprehensive, not single shot strategies–all points made in this buildingbetterschools website. A quote from the report:

We are discovering what seems to work. Common elements are present in nearly every world-class education system, including a strong early education system, a reimagined and professionalized teacher workforce, robust career and technical education programs, and a comprehensive, aligned system of education.

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