New Report and Interview Demonstrating the Detrimental Effects of the Pressure to Market Charter Schools

10/15/2016 A new study by Jessen and DiMartino finds that the pressure for marketing schools is unregulated and causes harm.

Here is the beginning quotes from the Edushyster blog commenting on the report and interviewing one of its authors.

EduShyster: I thought I’d set the stage for our conversation by describing a great, by which I mean appalling, example of education marketing in action. Donald Trump visits a Cleveland charter school that advertises itself as *top-rated* despite getting an *F* rating from the state. And the school is operated by a deep-pocketed for-profit chain that is *on a journey towards excellence.* Thoughts?

Catherine DiMartino: It makes me think about health care advertising. With health care you have the FDA putting certain limitations and providing some kind of oversight. Education is a public good and this is children’s learning and their future, but there’s no kind of regulation.

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