Comments March 17-April 17, 2019

Build and Support Items

Excellent new book  In Search of Deeper Learning; the Quest to Remake the American High School by Jal Mehta and Sarah Fine.  and their Op Ed piece in the New York Times.  

A similar book to be released in May by Linda Darling-Hammond and Jeannie Oakes. Preparing Teachers for Deeper Learning

A fine review of Andrea Gabor’s After the Teacher Wars.

WestED: Strategies for Supporting Teacher Collaboration and Inquiry.

How San Jose school district  achieved more collaborative labor/management partnerships.

LeBron James’s efforts raises performance in a regular public school. Ohio: LeBron James’ School Demonstrates that Money and Kindness Matter 

How Democracy Prep charter schools boost student voting.

Marc Tucker:

Marc Tucker: The sorry state of Career/Tech Education in the US.

Don’t give up on curriculum reform.  

The teacher shortage is worse than we thought and growing.  

Bill McCallum and his group have developed the tremendously useful mathematic progressions. Here are the latest changes to them. Changes in the progressions

IllustrativeMath’s  latest choices.

Wallace Foundation: Principal pipelines are an effective way of increasing student performance.; 

Continuity of superintendent key to improvement. St. Louis Regains Its Elected Board After 12 Years of State Control


26 Ted talks to spark student discussion from WeAreTeachers.

Opinion in the Hechinger report. How Our Youngest and Neediest Learners Benefit from Phonics and Other Reforms.  and Meet the Moms Pushing for a Reading Overhaul in Their District

Fordham Institute: How aligned is Career/Tech Education to local labor markets?

Vouchers, Charters, and Privatization Problems

The U.S. government has wasted up to $1 billion on charter schools that never opened, or opened and then closed because of mismanagement and other reasons, according to a report from an education advocacy group. The study also says the U.S. Education Department does not adequately monitor how its grant money is spent.

Jeff Bryant: What is the U.S. Department of Education Hiding? 

Why Does Betsy DeVos Tolerate Fraud in the Charter Sector? 

Charter Schools: A Very Horrible, Terrible, Awful Week by Diane Ravitch

Jan Resseger: Charter School Sector Swindles the Public, Burns Tax Dollars, and Cheats Children—Part 1; 

Jeff Bryant launches “Our Schools” media project to report on the privatization movement.

Jan Resseger: momentum grows for charter school regulation.

One month’s examples of lax regulation of and harm to public schools caused by the charter and voucher industry nationwide:

Wisconsin legislator: Charters and vouchers siphon off $193 million from public schools.

How a couple worked charter school regulations to make millions. and BREAKING: Los Angeles Times Exposes Charter School Fraud and Profiteering;

Los Angeles: Enrollment in Charter Schools Declines While Executive Salaries Soar

Arizona: Acclaimed BASIS Charter Schools Are $44 Million in Red, Audit Shows 

An expose in five parts of self-dealing in charter schools from New Jersey:;; ; ; ; and a challenge by a respected reporter questioning why the paper doing the expose didn’t reach the obvious conclusion to clean up the mess.Bob Braun Blasts the Weak-Kneed Charter Expose in New Jersey Press

Bob Braun: The Political Machine That Is Taking Over Newark’s School Board 

Florida: The Graveyard of American Public Education 

Peter Greene: FL: Charter Thievery And The Worst Legislature In The USA 

Problems with equity practice in Philadelphia charter schools Education Law Center Criticizes Equity Practices in Philadelphia Charter Sector 

Pennsylvania: Court Rules that Charter Is Not Tax-Exempt 

Former President of Milwaukee School Board Charged with Taking Kickbacks from Charter Chain 

Bill Phillis: One-Half of Ohio’s Authorized Charter Schools Either Closed Or Never Opened 

Bill Phillis: Ohio and Indiana Race to the Bottom to Waste Money on Cybercharters 

Bill Phillis: Dictatorship Does Not Raise Test Scores 

Stephen Dyer: Ohio’s Failing Charter Sector Wants a 22% Funding Increase 

Jan Resseger: Ohio’s Poorest School Districts Need Support Instead of Punitive HB 70 State Takeover 

Lynn Davenport: Look Out, Texas, Here Comes Kitamba Consultants to Privatize Your Public Schools! 

Tom Ultican: Atlanta School Board Votes for Privatization 

Tennessee: Showdown Over Vouchers 

Mercedes Schneider: Ah, Those Failing Charter Schools in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Philadelphia: It Takes Years and Millions to Close Failing Charter Schools and the Public Pays for Everything 

Lisa Haver: How Many Lawyers Does It Take to Close Down a Failing Charter School? 

Anthony Cody: Will Oklahoma Rein In Epic Charter Failure? 

Diane Ravitch: Julia Keleher: The Destroyer of Public Schools in Puerto Rico 

Indiana: Virtual School Scams Taxpayers and Students 

Missouri: Why Fund More Charter Failures? 

A Teacher in Arizona Reports on the Slow Strangulation of Public Schools 

“Have You Heard” Interviews Award-Winning Reporter about Arizona Charter School Scandals 

Houston: Charter Founder Pays Her Companies $17 Million a Year 

Houston: Charter School Superintendent and IT Specialist Charged with Embezzlement 

New Beginnings Charter CEO Under Investigation for Grade Changes, Unapproved Contract, Forged Docs to Cover Tracks


Congress Should Defund the Charter Schools Program and Invest the Money in Title I and IDEA Jan Resseger

New organization to reform charter schools in California. and

Just released book on the perils of privatization and segregation. Noliwe Rooks , Cutting School: Privatization, Segregation, and the End of Public Education

California: East L.A. Community Defeats “Mega-KIPP” Plan, Plus the Identity of the Culprit Who Weaponized State Law

And for the charter advocate’s  point of view, a Forbes article comments on five arguments being used against charter schools.

Reform Foibles

Steven Singer: Accountability Begins at the Top, not in the Classroom 

Bob Shepherd’s expose on how Florida is killing the teacher profession.

A South Carolina teacher makes similar points.

New Mexico: New Democratic Governor Eliminates A-F School Grades 

Gary Rubinstein on Teach for America’s CEO: Same old tired clichés.

The dangers GERM (The global education reform movement)Denisha Jones: First, Protect Childhood and Children from Harm 

Bombshell Report About Copycat Legislation Written by ALEC but Adopted by Your State 

Chalkbeat: Attending a Selective High School Does NOT Confer Advantage


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